James 4:6-7

“But he gives us more grace. This is why it says, ‘God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

Once I had a pipe burst in my house. Not being a plumber and limited to turning the water on and off, I had to call a professional. With water every where I had no choice other than to sit in the ever-growing puddle of water. If we think about it, this is an example of why we should allow God in to fix your Godly character. How do we do this? It’s pretty simple really, we allow God into our lives to fix those things that are busted. Is it always easy, well I can say on my part it is not always easy for me.  But I know this is what I need in order to move forward in my relationship with Jesus. God does not want to leave us broken; he wants to fix us. Our part is to let him in to the messiness that is our lives. This is humility in its simplest form. Let us be wise in these things, not think we know better than God. We bring forth those things that hold us back and leave them at the feet of Jesus to heal us of them. Can you let him in?

Dear God, thank you that you want to heal me of those things that are a hindrance to my walk with you. Help me to see that I cannot fix these things only you can. Give me the strength to let go and let you do what needs to be done. Help me realize what I need to turn over to you. Thank you for your love, mercy and grace for me. I pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen.