Matthew 5:15-16
“Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly father.”
God did not merely put us here to find our purpose, we are here to advance the kingdom. This is somehow tied into our purpose, but we have a tendency, or should I say I do, to let my light shine under the basket instead of removing it for others to see. Our share calling is to be a beacon of hope in a dismal world. And from what I can see lately the world is looking pretty bleak. God wants us to succeed and to point the light towards Him in all we do. Why aren’t we coming together to intensify the light? This is an honest question I have been asking myself. Every church I have gone to lately the attendance has been down. Is it because of Covid? While my trips to Walmart have been crowded. First, I must ask what am I doing wrong? Do I find myself gravitating towards other things than church or God? Are you gravitating away from Church and God? I don’t say this to be mean just to try and realize what is going on with God’s light, His people?
Dear God, help me gravitate my light towards you, help me to keep from hiding it. Help me to help others to shine their lights. Remind us to look for you and your wisdom. Not the worlds. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.