“Finally, Brethren, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” (Philippians 4:8)

Sometimes I find myself lingering on negative thoughts rather then following God’s Word. When I do this, I end up losing sight of Jesus and focusing all my attention on myself. Now let me say there is nothing wrong with focusing on ourselves, its when the focus takes over all or most of the aspects of our lives that it becomes a problem. Negative thoughts can cause one to not only feel bad about whatever is causing this thinking but also it can literally affect our health too. I know for myself, the negative thinking causes anxiety, depression, sometimes even causing me to isolate myself from others, even my husband.

When we focus on the good and take control of those negative thoughts, we change the way our brains work, we find peace with the situation or thing. Now does that mean that the situation or thing that is causing the negative thinking disappears as soon as we focus on the positive, no but it does help keep your perspective of the situation or thing. If we pray, meditate on the Scriptures, turn it over to God, think positively, we stand the chance of God either taking it away at that minute, or giving us the strength to get through it and grow in our faith.

Dear God, today I ask you to help me to think positively and take control of the negative thinking that invades my mind. Help me to think of whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute so that I may keep my eye on you. Thank you that you care for me, you are an good and awesome God. In your Sons name, Amen.