The Woman at the Well

John 4:1-42

The woman said to him, “Sir give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming her to draw water.” John 4:15

Are you looking for the next big thing? It seems in our society the focus is on what will be the next big thing to draw our attention. How susceptible are we to that next thing or even person we are looking to making our life better? Unfortunately, we do not always recognize what we really need is something or someone who will give us a fulfillment, joy and/or rest. We miss seeing Jesus as that thing we most need to fulfill our lives. In the Gospel of John, we see an example of who Jesus is when he revealed himself to the Samaritan woman at the well. It was unusual for a Jew to even go through Samaria let alone speak to a Samaritan. Not only does he speak with her, but he tells her that He is the Messiah. He knew everything about her, just like he knows all about us. Just like she searched for her happiness in men, we too sometimes search for something to fill the void. He revealed Himself to her, showing her that He was the living water, the only thing that could quench her thirst. When we turn to Jesus and put our faith and trust in Him, He is the only thing that can satisfy what we search for, He will never get tired of us nor turn away from us. Are you searching for the water that will quench your thirst?

Dear Jesus, I pray that today you will remind me that you are the only living water. Please give me the wisdom to stop searching for something to fill the void, help me to turn to you to quench my thirst. Give me a deep desire to learn about you and to trust you with my life. We praise you that only you can quench our thirst. You are the ever-lasting God, help me to realize that in my daily life. I pray all this in your name. Amen.