I recently stumbled upon something I had wrote a few years back, but felt an urge to post in now.

Recently, I have been focusing more on getting out and walking, quietly, along a path near where we are camping. As I walk along I try to clear my mind and notice those things that are around me, such as the trees, animals, flowers or even the feel of the breeze on my face. This can be difficult at times since it seems that my brain runs at full speed most of the time.

This day I had little distractions. Lindsay, my youngest child, had kidnapped Rufus, my four-legged child, for the night and it was just me, nature and God on the trail. I felt adventurous, so much so, that I out did my usual mileage and walked the full two miles to the park entrance. I was quite motivated and proud of my accomplishment. Although a bit weary, and not really looking forward to the two-mile trip back home.

To give myself a little encouragement I turned my phone on and opened Pandora to my worship channel. This was something I usually do not do, liking the quiet and to be respectful of those others who might be biking, running or walking to enjoy the peace as well. As I walked and listened to those songs that worship the Lord, my pace fell into a nice easy stroll, listening and contemplating my life up to this point. Which, after the past few years, left a lot to consider!

The more I focused on the music, the more the thoughts that usually flood my mind started to evaporate. Instead of concentrating on my aches and pains from the long walk, I was engrossed with the sounds of worship that emitted from my phone. Before I knew it, I was throwing up my hands and worshiping God. I danced, I sang, I raised my hands and yes, I admit it, I cried! It had been a long time since I had felt so close to God. Honestly, I realized how much I had missed it!

As I went, the fear of what others might say or think disappeared. I felt like I was in my own bubble and felt the safest that I had felt in quite a while. Amazingly, even though I had distanced myself from my Savior for a long time, He was there to meet with me as I worshiped. It felt like Jesus was worshiping right alongside of me. I was caught up in the moments with Him. The closeness was almost palpable. When I came back to where I was, two miles had passed without any effort.

During this time, God spoke to me. He revealed the path that He has been leading me to and what the past 15 years have been all about. All I can say is this, thank you Jesus! More will be revealed soon but until then I recommend a nice long walk with the Lord, find a path, a corner to sit, or a bench to perch on! Wait on the Lord, take courage that He will meet with you wherever you are. (Psalm 27).