Galatians 3:3

“Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?”

What a reminder this verse gives us. To try with our own effort the plan that God has for us, we prove ourselves foolish. Foolish does not mean evil – it just means unwise. I find myself in this situation on more than one occasion. Every day we have the opportunity to make decisions and take car of our responsibilities. The lines between faith and flesh can become blurred. To believe in God for something, we are asking Him to show up in practical ways. We are asking him to guide our steps, bless our work, the ability to steward, and to live well. We become proficient because God gives us the abilities to perform the tasks. However, when we become proficient at our tasks, we must watch that we do not start to rely on our own strengths and not God’s. Experience and understanding brings wisdom. God wants us to learn what it feels like to lean on Him rather then leaning on ourselves. Our dreams and desires come to fruition by His Holy Spirit. What are you trying to do on your own?

Dear Lord, thank you that I can rely and lean on you. Give me your wisdom to know when I am not relying on you and trusting myself more. Help me to help others see who you are and how they can rely on you. Bless my life and those around me with your wisdom. I pray all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.