Matthew 19:4

“He answered, ‘Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female,’”

Who or what do you get your identity from? Is if from the amount of money, you have in your bank account, an expensive car, your title in this world or from how others treat you? Or is it even that you can do anything that a man can do? Have these identities been working for you? Are you happy or are you still searching? There will be a day when a woman will realize she does not have to be the same as a man to earn respect or find their identity. Being equal to man does not mean that you throw away the feminine part of your being. Satan has blurred the lines between the sexes. We need to realize who we are in Christ rather than who we are in man. Being equal does not mean being the same but having the same value as man. When men and women come together, not only in marriage, but as partners just as the Bible teaches, each using their unique gifts, we begin to express the complete image of God on the earth. So, what do we do? We seek to find out through the Word as to how God identifies us. Are you ready to find your identity?

Dear Lord, thank you that you are an understanding God. Help me to find who I am in you and how you see my identity. Give me courage to step out of today’s version of women and to find your version. Help me to help other women find themselves in you. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.