Luke 7:47

“Her many sins have been forgiven – as her great love has shown.”

Unforgiveness can hold us back. I have found when I hold onto unforgiveness, I seem to just go round in circles. There are many reasons why people hold onto unforgiveness which can keep us from knowing the fullness of God’s love. But fortunately, we have a great example of forgiving those who come against us, Jesus. His example helps us to remember that we also need to forgive those who we feel have hurt or offended us. We don’t want to be held captive to our hostility anymore, express Christ-like mercy to our offenders and that will set you free. What are you holding onto?

Dear Jesus, give me your strength to be able to forgive so that I will experience the fullness of your love. Thank you for your mercy on my sins and your love for me. Help me to show others how you have forgiven our sins and we should forgive others. I pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen.