Galatians 3:5

“So again I ask, does God give you His Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard?”

It is not difficult to feel insecure in our faith because faith alone feels too easy. We prefer trying to get close to God by following rules because it gives us something tangible to make us feel we deserve it. Some disciplines and service can help us grow, but it does not give us salvation. We only get salvation through the mercy and sacrifice that God has done for us. We need only turn over our lives to him, the rest will follow if we stay in the Word and spend time with God in prayer. The Holy Spirit gives us great power to live for God. The greatest thing the Spirit can offer us at times is to be persistent in our seeking God and His will for our lives. What do you need to be persistent about?

Dear Lord, thank you that you desire a close relationship with me. Help me to remember that it is not by anything that I do that I am saved and have faith. Give me your eyes and ears to see and hear those around me who are struggling. I pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen.