Romans 1:16

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes; first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles.”

When you see someone struggling to live a life that has had nothing to offer to them, such as those who sell their bodies to feed their kids or keep a roof over the heads? It is not up to us who God accepts and who he doesn’t. We must love everyone.  He gives everyone the opportunity to turn their lives over to Him no matter their circumstances. He cares for those behind bars, he cares for those who have been ravaged for years from addiction. Who said any sin was greater than the next. The only sin that I have found in the Bible is that of blasphemy of the Lord. So, what does this mean for us? God has told us to love our neighbor as ourselves., In today’s world we find little of this self-love towards others. We hate opinions but that also leads us to hate the opinionator. Is this what God has asked us to do, are we ashamed of certain people and feel like we cannot love them. First, we must think of all God overcame to love us! Please remember God loves all his children and does not want for one to be lost. Are you losing a sheep?

Dear God, help me to remember that God loves all of those around me even if I do not agree with their opinion. Help me to pray for those who are lost from you. To bring them closer to you despite their past. I pray this is Jesus’ name, Amen.