Psalm 119:103

“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter, than honey to my mouth!”

How deep are your roots with God? Would a strong wind pull them out of the fertile soil? Is your soil fertile? These are some of the questions I find myself asking recently. Do I need to change things, read the Word more, pray more or even rely more on God? I think I can honestly answer all these questions with a resounding yes! But how do I change my habits of not doing what I am supposed to do to reach for that relationship with God? I need to make my prayer life and reading the Word a habit, something I want to do. While googling habits I ran across seven ways to develop a habit to read the Word.

  1. Pray for a hunger to read the Word.
  2. Pick a specific time to read.
  3. Read consecutively, do not jump around for verses.
  4. Turn your heart over to the Lord.
  5. Pray over what you read.
  6. Keep track of what you are reading.
  7. Guard against distractions.

I am going to try and see if these tips help me. Anyone else joining me?

Dear Lord, please help me to stay focused. Thank you that your Word is available for me to read. Please give me a hunger for your Word. Help me to not be easily distracted. I love you Lord and want to know you better. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.