John 8:32
“The truth will set you free.”
What a small sentence with a big meaning. Have you ever found yourself believing things that the enemy whispers to you? It seems once he gets one falsehood into your brain it is easier for the next lie to take hold. But how do we squelch these thoughts? For myself I have to first look through God’s Word and see who He says I am. I have to pray on those thoughts and pray for God to show me the truth. We are not nothing, we are not unworthy of God’s love and the love of others. We are children of the King. We deserve to be happy and to live a life worth living. God does not make mistakes, nor does He make you less valuable than anyone else on this earth. God will never make you feel less than. Do you know that you are wonderfully and fearfully made?
Dear God, thank you that you made me to be special. Give me your wisdom to know what are lies from Satan. Help me to share your love with others and help them see who they truly are. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.