“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

Sometimes I must stop and ponder the reason why God made me? Do you ever suffer from doubt as to who created you and for what purpose? We are not just made by some random act that happened by chance, you are wonderfully and fearfully made. God made us on purpose, with a purpose. This made for a purpose can sometimes give us cause to wonder what we were made for. Perhaps, your right here is not where you want to be, but is it where God wants you to be? All I know is that our purpose in not about our clothing, money or even family history. God made us to be loving creatures wherever we are even if we find ourselves seeking greener pastures. Our purpose is to love individuals right where we are, even if this is just a stop along the plan that God has made for our lives. Its not to wait until we think we are in the right position, just where God wants us. Perhaps this showing of God’s love and pointing others to Him and His grace is just one of our steppingstones to be in the place He plans for us. So today I ask, have you missed a steppingstone?  I know for a fact that I have missed quite a few along the way. Thank goodness we have a graceful and merciful God who will help us along this path we call life.

Dear God, I pray that today you will help me to see the steppingstones along my path. Help me not to step off your path and open my eyes to the stones and others around us so that we may be an example of your love for others. Please give me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and complete the purpose you have for me. You are a great and merciful God and I thank you for that. In you Son’s name, Amen.