Matthew 6:27

“Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Sometimes in life we must give up control, it is not all up to us. We need to rely on others to help, and to trust that God will do the best for us, even if it is not what we think it should be. Let go and let God. Doing things just to do them, to ward off having to deal with things is not the way to get peace. Peace comes from understanding that no matter how much we try to do things our way, by ourselves, to be in control of our lives, ultimately, we are not and when we realize this, peace comes. Do you have peace?

Dear Lord, I praise your name that while we were still sinners you sent your Son to earth to die for our sins. Please help me to let go and let you take the lead. Help me to not run ahead of you, as I tend to do, and give me patience to wait on you. Thank you for your love and mercy that you give me all the days of my life. I pray all this in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.