Hebrews 13:8

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

When we read through the Word of God, we can see a consistency of who Christ was, is and forever. This should give u great comfort in a world that is constantly changing. This can be an example for us to follow when we allow individuals into our lives. If there is no consistency to the person, are they really someone we want in our lives? This is not to say people will disappoint you, for we are imperfect but if someone is constantly changing who they are or their morals or beliefs, are they worth the effort? Then on the other hand, how are we consistent? Are we wishy washy about our beliefs, morals or personality? Would we be someone that we would want to be friends with? There is no one more selfless, more-giving, more attentive, and more interested in your life. We should use Jesus’ example to help us live a life that people want to be around. Are you consistent?

Dear God, help me to be more like Jesus. Thank you that you give us such a good example of who we should try to live our lives by. Gove me your strength to help others realize who you are. Thank you that you give us the example of consistency. Help me to be consistent in my life and not be all over the place with my beliefs, morals, and personality. I pray all this through your precious Son’s name. Amen.