God has been seen in many aspects throughout the generations of mankind. There are those who believe God is a being that perhaps created this world but then walked away, there are some who believe He is involved in every aspect of their lives and still others who do not believe in His existence at all. Whatever you believe, one thing is true, everyone has an opinion of whom or what God is to them. My aspect is that God is our Creator, our Savior, our Healer, and our Provider, and through these aspects His love for us is revealed. John 3:16 tells us that, “For God so loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” This love He offers to all who would receive it came with a price for God, showing that above all else, He is a God of love.

Some may ask why He did this, why make such a sacrifice for a creation that, for the most part has turned its backs on Him? It was for His pleasure that He formed us, so that we can, being in divine communion with Him, relish the sweet and mysterious blending of kindred personalities, to work with Him and as A. W. Tozier in his book, “The Pursuit of God,” puts it, “draw our life from His smile.” We are able to establish this relationship with God through our repentance of sin, and through the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross. This is where He bore those sins for us, erasing them for all eternity. Romans 5:8 tells us, “But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” It is through this love that we are able to live the lives that He set out for us. This might seem overwhelming at times but is not impossible. In turn, His requirement for us involves this love also, “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35)     This love that God has shown us, we too must show to our fellow man, whether he has the same beliefs as we do or not.

It was while we were still  sinners that God sent His Son to this earth to take on our sins and suffered a horrible death in order to do so. That is how much He loved us. Before we shared the same beliefs or any belief in Him, he loved and believed in us! So why do we hesitate or withhold our love from others due to their sins, beliefs, or anything else that WE deem to be improper or sinful? Is it really up to us to decide who is allowed to have access to even a tiny bit of what we can offer of God’s love? I cannot even imagine if God, in my weakness and sin, did not offer His love to me at the times that I needed it even before I realized it was there.

Father God, I pray that I will be able to see those around me through your eyes and not my own, through your heart and not my own and through your mind and not my own. I pray that in every aspect of my life I can show your love for others around me, that I would have the courage and strength to take the basket from over top of the light that you have put in me and let it shine and be a beacon to those in need of you and your grace and salvation. Lord use me to share your truth and love to all those who cross my path today and every day. In your precious Sons name, Amen!