2 Corinthians 10:5

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

As I write this, I am having to take captive thoughts that are not of Christ. I have to have a procedure done today to remove a kidney stone and my thoughts go to things that could go wrong, worry comes upon me, and doubt fills my head. God tells us that we are to take captive every thought, but how do we do this? I find that when I feel like this if I turn to reading the Bible and praying helps me to take those thoughts that are not of Christ away. Even our thoughts need to be submitted to God’s control in order for us to survive spiritual warfare. The enemy will do whatever he can to distract us from God and His plan for us. What thoughts are you struggling with today?

Dear Lord, I praise your name because you care for me so deeply that you would want to take captive every thought I have so that we might live our best lives. Please help me to be aware of those thoughts that do not line up with your Word and what you want for me. Give me a deep desire to read your Word and to pray instead of trying to handle everything on my own. I pray this in your Sons’ name, Amen.